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Steel Plant

Intech's experience within the steel industry spans a number of decades, and a variety of works. Projects have been a mixture of ad-hoc, project based and planned outages.

Works have included:

Just recently, we have been awarded a 3-year contract with Liberty Speciality Steels for industrial cleaning services at two of its sites in South Yorkshire.

What our customers say

Steel Plant
Disab Vacuum Services

February 22 - Just been down with your guys, thanks for forwarding the pictures, what a fantastic job they have done, your equipment and guys are second to none. Thanks for providing assistance once again.

Steel Plant
Disab Vacuum Services

January 2022 - Just to inform you, the lads you provided and machinery over the last couple of days, did another outstanding job for me. Absolutely fantastic effort from all your team who was involved. I will be in touch over next couple of working days when I have my February outages confirmed.... I'm hopeful you can provide assistance again with the excellent service you provide.

Steel Plant
Rope Access Services and High Level Works
Auxiliary Services

April 2020 - What has been a challenging task has been delivered safely, competently and above all you have been an absolute pleasure to work with. I take my hat off to you, all positive attitudes, high standards, drive, commitment and determination, a truly fantastic end result achieved. From myself, and on behalf of (Client), "thankyou".

Steel Plant
Surface Preparation and Abrasive Cleaning
High and Ultra High Pressure Water Jetting
Disab Vacuum Services

Having dealt with Intech for over six months, I've found them to have a workforce who have responded well to the fluctuating demands of industrial cleaning. Machinery and the workforce are reliable and issues quickly resolved if problems occur.